Lake Superior Amateur Coalition
LSAC Repeaters
A Linked Repeater System Centered in Northeast Minnesota Supporting Public Service Communications

Since its inception, the LSAC Repeaters system was designed to support special event communications. The system has supported SKYWARN, the Beargrese Sled Dog Race, numerous bicycle tours, Marathons, and general communications.
What's New?
January 2020
Another year and another Beargrease Sled Dog Race.
For most of the 36 years that the Beargrease Sled Dog Race has run up the North Shore LSAC has provided ham radio repeater coverage. In fact, that is the reason the LSAC repeater system along the North Shore of Lake Superior was created.
Good news and bad news!
The good news is that we have had some repeater hardware donated and some of it is new! When the weather warms and the snow is not butt deep we will start replacing some much older equipment.
That can come non too soon because some of the older equipment is causing some issue for the network. On January 25th the controller for the link radios for the system and the VHF repeater in Bayfield went out to lunch causing the repeater linking for the Western Lake Superior network to fail. We do not have a real timeline for this repair as the first step is to trudge through deep snow to get to the repeater site and then test the controller and ... well, you get the drift of what it is going to take.
April 2019
The LSAC Repeaters system is undergoing a revitalizition!
Stay tuned to hear the exciting news.
June 2019
As we move forward with system upgrades we are in need of some UHF repeater hardware for linking. The best choices are GE Master III or Motorola MSF 5000 or newer systems. If you have access to or know someone who has access click the support tab and send us a message.
The LSAC Repeaters System
The system at the moment is three distinct systems.
The Western Lake Superior Network provides coverage on the North Shore of Lake Superior from Duluth to Grand Marais and along the South from Superior to Hurley Wisconsin.
The Iron Range Network provides coverage from Grand Rapids on the West to Ely on the East.
The I-35 Network, which is under development provides coverage on the Northern portion of the Twin Cities to Duluth route.
We have made every effort to make this site mobile friendly. Please let us know on the spport page if you found any issues.